Gatsby Cloudinary Image Transformer

Upload remote images to Cloudinary

Use `createRemoteImageNode to upload remote images to Cloudinary.

Remote image

Drone photo of a Pirate ship with a US flag by Austin Neill from Unsplash.


query {
  project(name: { eq: "Project Example One" }) {
    coverImage {
        layout: FIXED
        height: 300
        aspectRatio: 1
        placeholder: TRACED_SVG
        transformations: ["c_crop", "e_pixelate_faces"]

Remote image

A display of a scull on top of books with a flower photo from from Unsplash


query {
  project(name: { eq: "Project Example Two" }) {
    coverImage {
        layout: CONSTRAINED
        height: 300
        aspectRatio: 0.8
        placeholder: BLURRED
        transformations: ["c_thumb"]
        chained: ["t_gatsby-demo"]